At McWhorter Chiropractic, we strive to improve the lives of our patients by alleviating their pain and improving their performance utilizing the most innovative chiropractic and rehabilitative treatment available.
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Aligned with your health.
Dr. Jeremy McWhorter
At McWhorter Chiropractic, we strive to improve the lives of our patients by alleviating their pain and improving their performance utilizing the most innovative chiropractic and rehabilitative treatment available.
My daughter is 9 weeks old and has suffered from colic since she was 2 weeks old. She would scream for hours and she would be in severe pain. I felt helpless. Jeremy started seeing her 2 weeks ago and it is amazing! She is hardly in pain and her colic fits are almost gone! It is a miracle!
Liz, Mother of Patient
Dr. Jeremy offers a variety of chiropractic adjusting techniques to help many different conditions as well as each individual patient. He offers a variety of techniques including gentle techniques for those that are young, those that are older, and those that are in severe pain. Dr. Jeremy also utilizes techniques that are focused on stretching muscles that are too tight and tightening muscles that are not as tight as they should be.
Reduce pain caused by inflamed joints and muscle spasms.
Joint and muscle pain relief.
Eliminate stiffness and tension caused by tight (or spasming) muscles.
Hands-on spinal manipulation.
Alleviate tingling and radiating pain caused by pinched nerves and muscle spasms.